
Sectional Staff Recruitment

Submitted by Aoki, , Thread ID: 75010

Thread Closed
12-02-2018, 11:23 PM
Hello there,

We're looking for sectional moderators in the following sections:
  • Entertainment (including sub-sections)
  • Other Discussions (including sub-sections)
  • Member Contests & Giveaways

  • Upgraded membership
  • Active every day
  • Maximum of 5 total warnings (Doesn't matter if active or not)
  • Personal input on how you would improve the sections

What you'd be doing:
  • Managing the sections, moving threads, deleting spam and low quality posts etc
  • Improving the overall quality of sections with your personal input

What you get:
  • Extra swag with a postbit background and second usertitle
  • Moderator tools
  • maybe depressions

Application format:

[b]My timezone:[/b] TEXT
[b]Time spent online a day:[/b] TEXT
[b]Section I would like to apply for:[/b] TEXT
[b]Why me:[/b] TEXT
[b]How I would improve the overall quality of the section:[/b] TEXT

[i]By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.[/i]

Only post your applications below, no general discusson or personal input needed. Doing so will earn you a nice warning level.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

12-02-2018, 11:28 PM
My timezone: EST
Time spent online a day: 2-3 HOURS
Section I would like to apply for: Other Discussions
Why me: I would like to apply for this job because I feel that I would be able to make Nulled a little bit better especially with deleting the LQ Posts. I have multiple years of management experience and E-Commerce experience.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I will make the quality better by getting rid of leechers posts and also making sure every member posts HQ Threads.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.
Writer Exotix


RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Active Member
12-02-2018, 11:30 PM
My timezone: +1 GMT
Time spent online a day: from 5 to 16 hours (depends)
Section I would like to apply for: Member Contests & Giveaways
Why me: i'm bored from doing nothing, so maybe i could help (though i've never been a moderator or something like that before)
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: by spending more time checking that section

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

12-02-2018, 11:31 PM
This post was last modified: 12-02-2018, 11:35 PM by Venipa
My timezone: UTC+1
Time spent online a day: atleast 30 minutes to 2 hours
Section I would like to apply for: Webmaster Resources due to mainly working on websites and such
Why me: Because of my experience with identifying script to avoid duplicates/copies and due to my almost 6 years of web dev knowledge
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: Keeping spammers/leechers out of the section, also to prevent duplicates.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it (which is bad as genji on ow).
/au4to0][Image: ad0png.png]
[Image: view?username=Venipa&style=small]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

12-02-2018, 11:37 PM
This post was last modified: 12-02-2018, 11:46 PM by Stormy
Mytimezone: UTC-07:00

Timespentonlineaday?I spend on average 2 hours a day since signing up I would say Smile
SectionIwouldliketoapplyFor?: Entertainment is what I want to apply forFor me I want to apply to become nulledbb Staffis for 4 reasons here are the reasons
1. I want to be more engage than just 2 hours a-day!I think a staff position would help me be even more active than I've ever been before
2. I want to be a leader to the community and if something is brought up to me, like bullying on nulledbb or another pressing matter I wanna be able to take care of it
3. I also applied because it's always was my dream to become part of the nulledbb staff, it's a high honor and a diffcult position but I think I'm ready for it
4. Nulledbb is a huge thing right now in my life. I look forward to comming home everyday to see what people are posting or what advice they need/have! I think as nulledbb as my second family
I want this position because I want to be more known not just for being nice and friendly, but well known for being a leader and showing respect to other nulledbb user's. I also want this so I can guide user's and make nulledbb a better place!
Contribute more with Advice..
Help look out for more leecher's and user's that just want to join nulledbb for credits
Help maintain order
Set new rules and standard's(possibly) That people are ok and happy with

Thank-you for reading my Application whether I become a leader or not! I will continue being active on nulledbb and reaching out to people! Smile <3


RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

kill me
12-02-2018, 11:38 PM
This post was last modified: 12-02-2018, 11:55 PM by Nekojiru
My timezone: GMT
Time spent online a day: I am on from when I wake up at 9am till I sleep at 3am, always checking on on phone at college and I spend maybe upto 5 hours spread out a day on Nulled.
Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment or Other
Why me: I am on pretty much all the time report and trying to help as much as I can, I would be able to clean sections up and try keep them spam free.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I am always picking up people spamming and copy pasting, leeching and lots of other activities to boost credits and unlike some people I read the rules and follow them. Also moving things into the correct forums since all to often people just post wherever.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

kill me
12-02-2018, 11:38 PM
This post was last modified: 12-02-2018, 11:55 PM by Nekojiru
My timezone: GMT
Time spent online a day: I am on from when I wake up at 9am till I sleep at 3am, always checking on on phone at college and I spend maybe upto 5 hours spread out a day on Nulled.
Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment or Other
Why me: I am on pretty much all the time report and trying to help as much as I can, I would be able to clean sections up and try keep them spam free.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I am always picking up people spamming and copy pasting, leeching and lots of other activities to boost credits and unlike some people I read the rules and follow them. Also moving things into the correct forums since all to often people just post wherever.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

kill me
12-02-2018, 11:38 PM
This post was last modified: 12-02-2018, 11:55 PM by Nekojiru
My timezone: GMT
Time spent online a day: I am on from when I wake up at 9am till I sleep at 3am, always checking on on phone at college and I spend maybe upto 5 hours spread out a day on Nulled.
Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment or Other
Why me: I am on pretty much all the time report and trying to help as much as I can, I would be able to clean sections up and try keep them spam free.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I am always picking up people spamming and copy pasting, leeching and lots of other activities to boost credits and unlike some people I read the rules and follow them. Also moving things into the correct forums since all to often people just post wherever.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

12-02-2018, 11:38 PM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 12:02 AM by Megumin
My timezone: UTC
Time spent online a day: Up to 6 hours I would say
Section I would like to apply for: Other Discussions
Why me: Well, I am very active, and will probably continue to come every day for 3+ hours, and, since I lurk around the Other Discussions tab quite often since the Anime section is there I feel as I could moderate it.
I Also don't like seeing leechers trying to farm posts around so I guess it would be nice to put them out to improve the overall quality of the section.
Even though I havent received 5 warnings, I've read the rules and know them pretty well, and I believe I could enforce them well aswell.

As references I am currently staff in another forum aswell, fairly small community with only about 50 posts a day, so nothing big, since it is a forum from a group that goes back to LF, the forum I used to use a lot.
In LF, the forum I migrated from, I would also report a lot, with over 120 reports in about 6 months, if I saw something thaglt wasn't reported I'd make sure it wouldn't stay up for long, whether it was low quality posts or non working leaks.
Another thing is my work ethic, back from my time in LF I was participating and eventually running the Hydrus Entertainment News, a News thread that came out on a weekly basis that covered Music, Movies and Anime, I would, at first, write the Anime part, and then, eventually, when I became the leader of it, both Anime and Music most of the time, never missing my section through 4 months of doing it weekly.
I was also in charge of one of the group sections, the entertainment section, and worked hard to make it has high quality as possible.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: Most importantly keep low quality posts out, like spam, copy pasting and completely off topic posts, as those are the easiest to find, but also quite common. I would also make sure to remove repost threads and unnecessary threads, as those are also quite an annoyance and make the section feel repetitive instead of fresh.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

Only post your applications below, no
[Image: Megumin-3.png]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Marry Poppins Y'all
12-02-2018, 11:41 PM
My timezone: CET (Belgium)
Time spent online a day: On weekends I could spend like hours I don't really get a timestamp but I should say around 3 hours. The thing is it's just a sectional staff. So you it's the beginning that doesn't mean users need to moderate the whole forum but just some small bit.
Section I would like to apply for: If I need to choose practically I would go for the giveaways but I'm more into some full-on action so I will choose for the Other Discussions.
Why me: This is going to sound very cliche but I owned a few communities.

This is my story of having my own big Minecraft forum community I know it's not the same as a forum that shares resources but we shared like Minecraft gaming experiences.

And pictures, hacks,.. etc You get the idea.

It all started when I was like an age of 11 years old or younger so basically, I rolled in the forum world at a young age let's say it was 2010. So that's pretty young. Okay, I am getting off-track here let's go back to my story.

I have met some random guy back in the days he was (17 years) He told me hey Ilias, I can help you to run a server so that will fit way better on a forum with 2k members statics I know it's not a lot but. Remember it was a big forum back in those days and it was Dutch and that forum also got some young people on it. So you could imagine a forum with young people when I type this I realise how crazy it really sounded like.
So we agreed to the idea then it all went down and we lost everything. Now you are thinking oh no I don't want to hire this person because he is going to bring my network down. But I also told that I learned a lot of these things and I am not saying I am perfect but this will also tell you that I used to have things not perfect let's all hope (fingers crossed) that this is not going to happen. (on-topic) the thing is we lost the forum but we still had that server. So my staff team and I were like okay what can we do sell this server or just pick yourself up and get all the stuff good. So we have made it a "boring" regular server from it. We had some fun on it but at the end, it cost too much money and we couldn't it to make it any better.

So that project all just stopped.

One year later I have sent a message to that guy who provides us with the server I was like okay this person helped us out with a server and I am a little bit bored, to be honest. So maybe we can change roles and helped him out. We then created a cracked tekkit server we worked so hard because there wasn't really a way on tekkit classic (old skool). To make it all work with cracked stuff and all that hard work rewarded us with #2 place on all the voting sites. let's say we got donations so we money wasn't a problem right now. I mean that feeling was such amazing we got like 100+ members online every day. I still remember the day we have upgraded our ram from 12GB to 32GB it's a big change but you don't need to forget it's a tekkit server so it requires a lot of mods and ram sad. We did partner with #1 vote list. But we did a lot of good things to our members it was not like a pay-to-win server it was more like an I like this server let me donate of course we did give them some cool names or something but we didn't ask for it. I remember the first time someone wanted to donate and we didn't get our stuff up and running. Also, we were like one of the only servers that had like a small ban list so you could use a lot of items. This is just all little techniques I talk a lot about Minecraft right now but I think this was just the hype before that I remembered people used to have like a big world of warcraft private servers and forums,... Well, that server ran pretty well but it was not interesting the people anymore so that's what I always say you can never. Hope to do things that will always be there just think as a real life job are you willing to become a teacher full time of the rest of your life or do you wanna try out the police? So I think this is the same with some networks also including nulled in my opinion. Also later on, that server I became co-owner because the costs were too high so I hired someone and yes I gave him owner rank. It doesn't really matter it was just the looks.

I think that's also the same with this forum I know I wear my staff "badge" way to proud but that's also telling me I am here to help and not to scare them away. I remembered we used to have some fights about the logo and small things. But I personally think I got changed in that I am not saying that I will never arugin or have any other kind of opinion but I'm here to tell that sometimes having an argument is not that bad. Back in the days when I use to have a forum I used to host staff meetings I remember my staff members saying like we are a forum and not an office. But I was like okay it sounds boring but you will love it and this was not weekly or didn't take hours of the time. And I made it like that so you could fill in a form that will tell me or the management staff that you will join in or not I sometimes had a meeting with 5 people and sometimes with 10. We recorded it and wrote everything down at some point I personally loved the fact to have like meetings not that often. But just to keep things busy.

A few years later

There was this big gaming forum (7K members just giving the stats not to show off just to get some idea how big it was) and they were like hiring a moderator. That showed of my attention I was like I am all in the business.
So I applied I got accepted I worked like a few months or something like that. The forum was using Simple forum machine that free open-source forum software. The forum was "hosted" by 2 YouTubers to that made it big I guess. And they cared about their money so that's why it was so popular and cheap. The thing is that when you start a forum you don't need to instantly use nulled software or paid. When I started a forum I used to start with mybb or phpbb. I used nulled software way later. Same as Xenforo & IP.board

So then there was like the typical promotion call or something I can't remember what it's called again. Well, they told me Bro Ilias, You are doing such a fantastic work you brought 2k members with you will get admin. I was like cool I can make this forum much cooler they said all open for ideas. I was like let's give this forum a good upgrade so I was like installing Nulled IP.Board on it at the first they were scared because you lose members and it was not true. People enjoyed the upgrade. It was new but now you are wondering what made that special?

Well let me explain :

- Fully Dutch translated there wasn't a language so we worked all night long translating stuff.
- A lot of logos with them like for example Halloween = pumpkin, or like pride = rainbow, U get the idea it was like google doodles but different.
- A snow button because it was around Christmas time always fun so with a cool logo and Christmas lights.
- Shoutbox people love that.
- Custom hooks, mods, apps,...
- cool theme.
- etc.

That forum was running instead of 7k members more like 17k members. We had so much fun on that we learned so much etc. I should say if that forum still exists it would definitely be a partner with nulled work haha as a gaming forum of course.

But then I made such a dumb action I know I could better think twice but I hired someone stupid. Who acted like he knew everything but if I did some better research I knew he was doxed and banned on a lot of forums.

Well, that user made everything different he, first of all, removed everything and installed an old cracked by Xenforo. He lied to like I paid for this but there were some fast users and they instantly noticed it and posted it so it was all 100% clear that user needed to be fired. But then he bought some SSL to look good I was like okay but still he is fired let's just call this easy and say he used us.

At the end, there was a donator he gave us a Xenforo License soo nice and hosting. (he now host a big Minecraft community) .

So here I am telling I just make some problems but I am definitely open to any solutions that I can make it any better. Or another kind of stuff that can proof me and make things better.

-- the Last story I think.

Well, that forum got also shut down because boredom or something I can't remember.

I was like I wanna moderate but I don't know why so I was thinking and looking back to forums where I was a member of and then I found a forum with almost 100k members. (98k). It was on that forum I got that nulled IP.board from and I was like maybe I should post here some stuff and have some look at stuff and then I became a real good member I know there are some leechers on there too so that's why I was saying posting good stuff.

Well at one point the staff application went open I was like I am on it. I have spoken and I got the job I was super happy I was like this is the first big forum I moderated. It was not that I had got a lot of tasks because most things went just fluently the hardest part was the reports. Oh well, I love it well that I stopped because I was having that busy and no time and when I wanted to come back the forum was offline with DMCA stuff. bleh.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I am also working on another forum as an admin and I have learned like a lot over there but I think that this sounds cool to wear like a staff badge and stuff. But you also need to have some focus in the real world or let's basically call it still needs to have some NulledBB vibes so how I would improve the quality I should take it more technically and like see how this all focuses and than see what it would bring.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

Thank you for taking your time to read it and good luck to all the other people. And If I didn't get it I am still glad that I could share my big story lol.
[Image: wsUuw16j6oyxLLRnnK.gif]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

12-02-2018, 11:41 PM
This post was last modified: 13-02-2018, 08:40 AM by Username
My timezone: Central

Time spent online a day: bout 2 hours on a avg but on weekends alot more.

Section I would like to apply for: Giveaways

Why me:Ive been on nbb for awhile now i have never caused any real big messes and haven't died off completely i did take a little break but i came back and stayed through the deadest of times. I am not going anywhere and i do have some extra time on my hands so i feel like i meet allthe criteria for the job and i feel i can do it well.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I would make sure everyone gets the same equal treatment for each giveaway and fairly and fairly enforce the rules with no bias. Make sure each giveaway has a clearly defined ending date and a clear defined prize also make sure the giveway host shows proof of choosing a fair winner.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it. cars 3 is a good movie.

Extra: I know my app doesn't look like much but i stuck straight to the point no bullshit and no extra wording. Here is what you'll get nothing more nothing less.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

12-02-2018, 11:42 PM
This post was last modified: 12-02-2018, 11:50 PM by Photo
My timezone: GMT -6

Time spent online a day: 4-5 Hours a day, sometimes 7-8 even upwards of 12 on the weekends.

Section I would like to apply for: Entertainment

Why me:
I have a full understanding of Nulled's rules, which would be the obviously be the biggest key to this role. I spend a lot of my hours during the day on Nulled and I am constantly looking for new ways to immerse myself into the community, and I think this a great opportunity for that. Being able to not only help the staff members work load, but to also improve the quality of posts and of the community would be a great opportunity for myself and to help show I can contribute towards this community.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section: For starters, I am apart of Cinema which is a group solely dedicated to entertainment. Based on that I have experience to know what a good entertainment thread should look like and what to look for, alongside making sure the rules are followed in that section as well as the sub-forums. I am a very active member of this community and would be very watchful of the entertainment section making sure there are no spam, low quality posts, or posts that break the rules in any way.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

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